Predicting Model for Daily Delay Count

From the previous data exploration and data analysis, we know that there exists some interesting relationship between bus delay and weather, location, and a variety of reasons. Here, we want to explore the dataset deeper to predict the number of daily delays in Manhattan as our outcome and month, weekday, daily precipitation, daily snow depth, and minimum temperature as predictors.

Our interested dependent variable is the number of delays across three school years: the number of delays in Manhattan. Based on the graph below, the daily delay across three consecutive school year have declined.

daily_df = df %>% 
         boro =="Manhattan") %>% 
   group_by(occur_date,school_year) %>% 
   summarize(n=n()) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=occur_date, y=n,fill=school_year))+
        title = "Number of Daily Delay",
        x = "Date of Delay",
        y = "Count"

Here’s the predictors in our model:

 ·month: month of the incident occurred;

 ·day: weekday of the incident occurred;

 ·prcp:precipitation (tenths of mm)

 ·snwd: snow depth (mm)

 ·tmin Minimum temperature (tenths of degrees C)

Fitting Model

We propose 3 models for prediction:

 1. Linear Model of daily_delay ~ month + day + snwd + tmin

 2. Linear Model of daily_delay ~ month + day + snwd + tmin+ tmin*day,assuming that there are interaction

 3. Linear Model of daily_delay ~ month + day + prcp


daily_delay=df %>% 
  group_by(occur_date) %>% 
lm_1=lm(daily_delay ~ month + day  + snwd + tmin,data=daily_delay)
lm_1 %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digits = 2)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 131.71 1.15 114.35 0
monthDecember 73.71 1.27 58.06 0
monthFebruary 71.29 1.29 55.31 0
monthJanuary 56.93 1.28 44.57 0
monthJune 30.11 1.54 19.58 0
monthMarch 53.46 1.25 42.80 0
monthMay 38.77 1.31 29.65 0
monthNovember 94.69 1.18 80.57 0
monthOctober 110.83 1.16 95.51 0
monthSeptember 106.81 1.33 80.12 0
dayMonday 14.99 0.76 19.69 0
dayThursday 2.90 0.75 3.89 0
dayTuesday 9.36 0.75 12.47 0
dayWednesday 4.08 0.74 5.48 0
snwd -0.51 0.01 -44.45 0
tmin -3.51 0.06 -61.90 0


daily_delay=df %>% 
  group_by(occur_date) %>% 
lm_2=lm(daily_delay ~ month + day+ snwd + tmin+tmin*day,data=daily_delay)
lm_2%>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digits = 2)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 125.22 1.21 103.61 0
monthDecember 72.58 1.26 57.44 0
monthFebruary 71.68 1.28 55.87 0
monthJanuary 56.12 1.27 44.14 0
monthJune 30.30 1.54 19.73 0
monthMarch 52.43 1.24 42.18 0
monthMay 38.03 1.30 29.22 0
monthNovember 94.20 1.17 80.56 0
monthOctober 111.27 1.15 96.36 0
monthSeptember 106.22 1.33 79.94 0
dayMonday 24.35 1.02 23.87 0
dayThursday 6.81 0.95 7.18 0
dayTuesday 24.06 0.96 25.01 0
dayWednesday 11.61 0.94 12.34 0
snwd -0.51 0.01 -44.77 0
tmin -2.45 0.08 -29.42 0
dayMonday:tmin -1.42 0.10 -14.03 0
dayThursday:tmin -0.58 0.09 -6.33 0
dayTuesday:tmin -2.30 0.09 -24.26 0
dayWednesday:tmin -1.16 0.09 -12.76 0


daily_delay=df %>% 
  group_by(occur_date) %>% 
lm_3=lm(daily_delay ~ month + day+ prcp,data=daily_delay)
lm_3%>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(digits = 2)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 104.95 1.13 93.02 0
monthDecember 95.89 1.26 76.40 0
monthFebruary 85.93 1.27 67.76 0
monthJanuary 90.24 1.21 74.78 0
monthJune -8.15 1.47 -5.54 0
monthMarch 69.26 1.26 54.98 0
monthMay 19.62 1.32 14.84 0
monthNovember 101.28 1.21 83.53 0
monthOctober 95.53 1.18 81.12 0
monthSeptember 69.04 1.24 55.53 0
dayMonday 13.89 0.79 17.62 0
dayThursday 3.72 0.77 4.81 0
dayTuesday 8.62 0.78 11.05 0
dayWednesday 5.19 0.78 6.70 0
prcp 0.06 0.00 19.14 0
cv_df=df %>% 
  sample_n(size = 100) %>% 
  group_by(occur_date) %>% 
  mutate(daily_delay=n()) %>% 
  modelr::crossv_mc(n = 100) %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% 
  mutate(train = map(train, as.tibble), 
         test = map(test, as.tibble)) %>% 
  mutate(lm_1 = map(.x = train,~ lm(daily_delay ~ month + day  + snwd + tmin,data = .x)),
         lm_2 =map(.x = train,~ lm(daily_delay ~ month + day+ snwd + tmin+tmin*day,data = .x)),
         lm_3 =map(.x = train,~ lm(daily_delay ~ month + day+ prcp, data = .x)))
cv=cv_df %>% 
  select(starts_with("lm")) %>% 
    names_to = "model",
    values_to = "data") %>% 
  mutate(data = map(data,broom::tidy))

Cross Validation

The predictors we chose above are statistically significant.However, we notice that interaction terms are not contributing to model predictability. We would say lm_3 will be better than the other two models because its root means square error seems to be smaller. Therefore, lm_3 could be useful for predicting the total number of bus delays in Manhattan.

cv_df %>% 
    rmse_lm1 = map2_dbl(lm_1, test, ~rmse(model = .x, data = .y)),
    rmse_lm2 = map2_dbl(lm_2, test, ~rmse(model = .x, data = .y)),
    rmse_lm3 = map2_dbl(lm_3, test, ~rmse(model = .x, data = .y))) %>% 
  select(starts_with("rmse")) %>% 
    names_to = "model", 
    values_to = "rmse",
    names_prefix = "rmse_") %>% 
  mutate(model = fct_inorder(model)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = model, y = rmse)) + geom_violin()

Model Conclusion

Month, rainfall, snow depth, and day are good predictors for anticipating the number of daily delays in Manhattan.