opt_delay = read_csv("./data/opt_delay.csv")%>%
  distinct(school_name,.keep_all = TRUE) 

Count Data

There are a total of 1063 schools analyzed in this dataset with complete location data from 2015 and 2021.

Average Delayed Time

It is a table showing that how many schools are in each average delay time level in New York from 2015 to 2021.

avergae_delayed = data.frame(opt_delay %>% count(how_long_delayed))
avergae_delayed %>% 
  rename(frequency = n) %>%
how_long_delayed frequency
0-15 Min 155
16-30 Min 261
31-45 Min 270
46-60 Min 247
61-90 Min 130


Manhattan Map Reference

For reference, here is a helpful map of the neighborhoods in New York

Source: MapsNewYork

New York Map

New York Map

These maps include data provided by New York City in the open source crash database and data.world, generated by Plotly Chart Studio and Mapbox geolocation software.

School Bus Delayed in New York

This map displays the geolocation of school buses delayed in New York City from 2015 to 2021.

The school buses in Manhattan averagely have a longer delayed time.

# plot
map_school = 
  opt_delay %>%
  mutate(school_delay = str_c(school_name,",",how_long_delayed)) %>%
    lat = ~latitude,
    lon = ~longitude,
    color = ~how_long_delayed,
    colors = "Set1",
    marker = list(color = "dark"),
    type = 'scattermapbox',
    hovertext = ~school_delay,
    mode   = 'markers')

map_school = 
  map_school %>% 
    mapbox = list(
      style = 'open-street-map',
      zoom =9,
      center = list(lon = -73.93, lat = 40.71))) 


When We Focus on Manhanttan…

# plot
map_school_manhattan = 
  opt_delay %>%
  filter(city == "Manhattan") %>%
  mutate(school_delay = str_c(school_name,",",how_long_delayed)) %>%
    lat = ~latitude,
    lon = ~longitude,
    color = ~how_long_delayed,
    colors = "Set1",
    marker = list(color = "dark"),
    type = 'scattermapbox',
    hovertext = ~school_delay,
    mode   = 'markers')

map_school_manhattan = 
  map_school_manhattan %>% 
    mapbox = list(
      style = 'open-street-map',
      zoom =10,
      center = list(lon = -73.96, lat = 40.77))) 


Density Heatmaps

These maps include data provided by New York City in the open-source crash database and data.world, generated by Plotly Chart Studio and Mapbox geolocation software.

map_school_manhattan_density = 
  opt_delay %>%
  filter(city == "Manhattan") %>%
  mutate(school_delay = str_c(school_name,",",how_long_delayed)) %>%
    lat = ~latitude,
    lon = ~longitude,
    color = ~how_long_delayed,
    marker = list(color = "dark"),
    type = 'densitymapbox',
    radius = 3)

map_school_manhattan_density = 
  map_school_manhattan_density %>% 
    mapbox = list(
      style = 'open-street-map',
      zoom =8,
      center = list(lon = -73.96, lat = 40.77)),
    title = "Density Heatmap of School Buses delayed in Manhattan")



Data in these geolocation and density heatmap plots help identify certain schools in New York City that appear to have more severe school bus delayed. They are around East Harlem and Lower East Side, as well as the Hudson Yards.